Lifestyle health and wellness coaching website launch

Golden tray with three amber-colored votive candles sitting atop beige and white soft bedding

Project overview

Katharine O’Neal has been cooking up a storm and sharing her recipes and kitchen knowledge through her website, Katharine’s Kitchen.

After many years, and looking to encompass the health and wellness lifestyle she personally lives by and promotes, she was ready to kick things up a notch and rebrand her business and website.

Her business name, Basil + Lavender, was inspired by the two “halves” of her business concept: Inspiration in the kitchen through healthy eating, and in the home through mindful living.

She also has incorporated her expertise as a Mindset and Empowerment Coach, offering coaching programs and retreats.

Through extensive communication, we developed her new logo brand which incorporates basil and lavender sprigs, and presents as a timeless, sophisticated look.

The website was designed as an in-depth resource for everything from recipes and kitchen tips, to daily mindfulness practices and motivation.

We have recently expanded it to include her coaching and course offerings, taking advantage of Squarespace’s Acuity Scheduling to help book and manage her clients.



Review: Spark Plugin for Squarespace websites


3 Tips to keep your website project on schedule