Austin consulting firm Squarespace website launch

Minimal desk with laptop, reading glasses, and a gold lamp

Website project overview

Ray Blue has over 25 years of frontline experience building, training, and leading high functioning development and corporate relations teams.

During that time, he has successfully built and managed complex, multifaceted partnerships between the nonprofit, public, and private sectors, working closely with companies like Nike, Whole Foods, Texas Mutual, and National Instruments.

Ray was ready to take his vast experience and phenomenal energy and launch his own consulting firm in Austin, Texas. And in doing so, he needed a professional online presence to compliment his existing solid base of relationships and credibility.

We worked closely and discussed his vision for the company and how that vision might translate online for his new business.

The result is a strategically planned and beautifully designed website that highlights his extraordinary skills and expertise.

Read more about Ray’s story and Blue Crow Group on the new website.



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